Stunt Players

Stunt performers have been around since the dawn of film making in Hollywood. They were used extensively by early comedians such as Chaplin and Keaton and the laugh and stunt filled Keystone Cop movies. The pratfalls, high dives and extensive car chases in these early films only solidified the need for stunt performers as the audiences that couldn't get enough of this mayhem. The Canadian Stunt Association is proud of its history and continues to be an essential part of the adventure of filmmaking. Here are the players that are committed to tell your story:
stunt player

Fraser Aitcheson

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
stunt player

Ed Anders

Director | Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Brett Armstrong

Director | Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Doug Armstrong

Stunt Performer | Actor
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Scott Ateah

Director | Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Jay Bell

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Krista Bell

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actress
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Marshall Bingham

Stunt Performer | Actor
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Mike Carpenter

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Tim Cody

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer
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Devyn Dalton

Stunt Performer | Actress
stunt player

Jordan Davis

Stunt Performer | Actor
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Jean Frenette

Director | Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Naomi Frenette

Stunt Performer | Actress
stunt player

Brian Jagersky

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Patrick Kerton

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer
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Jaeson Lee

Stunt Performer | Actor
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Irma Leong

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actress
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Dan Redford

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Shawn Robidoux

Stunt Performer | Actor
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Tally Rodin

Stunt Performer | Actress
stunt player

Darryl Scheelar

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Hugo Steele

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor
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Mitra Suri

Stunt Performer | Actress
stunt player

Brennan Walstrom

Stunt Performer | Actor
stunt player

Kye Walstrom

Stunt Performer | Actor
stunt player

Paul Wu

Stunt Coordinator | Stunt Performer | Actor